‘Videography Near Me’

Blog: ‘Videography Near Me’

In searching ‘videography near me’ there are many factors to consider. Doubtless, you will find an array of companies showcasing their talents and choosing the one you ultimately trust can be a minefield, but here are a few guidelines to ensure you are at the start of a beautiful journey that ultimately gives you the marketing tools that you need to raise your business profile. 


Videography company’s websites vary enormously, as does the team that you find behind it. Look for a range and diversity of work. Does their site showcase work that resonates with your project? If you’re a nonprofit – have they done philanthropic work? What are their storytelling skills? Although many talents are transferable, it does help to have some similar projects under their belt! 


Be sure that you have fully screened their showreel and archive of work. Are they sharing their work on their site and is there a Vimeo or YouTube link to see their other work? How far reaching are their services? Will they expect you to do the interviewing or is this a service that they offer to support their clients? Will they write scripts? Is there a teleprompter for direct messaging content?


Experience – The phrase you get what you paid for is true in any industry and certainly in any technical field. Proceed with caution. A great videography team will merge a multitude of experience – often you’ll find ex broadcast technicians now living the freelance life, working alongside recent film graduates – this is a great balance of energy and spirit. Videographers are by their very nature communicators and we thrive in a collaborative environment. We work best when we discuss our ideas – where we can throw out the silliest of ideas without shame. Experience also allows you to troubleshoot, should the need arise, and this is an important skill set. No client ever needs to know if a cable is faulty or a bulb has gone. The best teams will manage those moments quietly and professionally and experience serves those moments.


Technical Abilities– Technically speaking, you also want to make sure that the production company you hire has the abilities to deliver. Do they have the gear and personnel necessary to carry out your vision? If you want aerial drone shots, you’ll want to keep an eye out for this on the company’s portfolio. If you want animated elements, you’ll want to ensure they have the capacity to provide them (and that having them created is within your price range). Will you need a lot of creative direction? You’ll want to ensure your videographer is more than just a technician but someone with artistic vision.


What about the style of their work? Does the tone match what you are looking for? If you are creating a somber video with powerful testimonials you may want to ensure they have the eye and sensitivity for it. Are you creating something cheerful with lots of natural light? You may want to make sure they have more than just studio shoots under their belt. 


Responsiveness – When you reach out to a videographer – or any vendor for that matter – they should be getting back to you quickly. Read the signs – if you are hanging around waiting right at the beginning of your working relationship, it doesn’t bode well going forward. Does it seem like they are treating your project like a priority? Do they appear organized and diligent? At Striking Media we prefer to lead with a phone conversation where it’s all about getting to know one another, building trust and confidence. The next step is the Discovery Call where a multitude of questions are asked to gauge the client’s needs and once the scope of work is determined, a proposal would follow from here. 


Effective communication – Let the production company set up the Zoom call – if they are running on free Zoom that runs out after a limited time, they’re probably not set up to take their business too seriously. Are you constantly talking to their answering machine? Maybe they don’t have the bandwidth to take on your project.


Location Location Location – Does location matter? It really depends on what you’re looking for. If you want a relationship whereby you drink coffee together and exchange ideas – now that we’re all hoping to be ‘post-Covid’ then a videographer in Louisiana if you’re in DC probably won’t fit the bill. There is a big resource of ‘remote videographers’ so you may find that your producer is in one city and your technical team in another. Does this matter? Not necessarily, although remote teams often upcharge as it’s a one off job, so beware of increased pricing. If you want a pre planning recce – site visit – you’ll need your team on the ground too. Are you planning a shoot in a city you have never been to before? You may want to prioritize finding a local crew so that at least some of your team is familiar with the area prior to attempting to film there.


Demeanor- Video production may be an entirely new world for you, and you will want a video team that makes you feel comfortable and supported. Is your on screen talent one of your corporate employees who may need a lot of coaching to get their best performance? You will want to ensure that whoever you hire is someone you think would make a comforting and encouraging presence on set. Will you need a lot of creative brainstorming and direction to come from your video team? You will want to ensure that they have loads of innovative ideas to help tell your story. At Striking Media, relationships are important. We see our clients as people and often friends, not just projects to complete. We have the sensitivity, empathy, expertise and professionalism to bring out your best performance and give you the best product.


All of these details add up to create a successful project and a happy client. If you want a professional, organized and productive day of filming you will want to do your due diligence. Any person can point and shoot a camera, but it takes a skilled production company like Striking Media, to take your vision from start to finish without hiccups and create a product that you will proudly share. 


helen.saks@strikingmedia.com / www.strikingmedia.com